Saturday 22 June 2013

Param Saini
TreTans, Saturday, June 22, 2013

Different Types of Skin and its Treatment


Skin is basically of four types Oily Skin, Dry Skin,  Normal Skin and Combination Skin. Every Skin has its own advantage and disadvantage.  Skin differ from person to person. If you belong to same family it doesn't mean you will have same type of skin. Skin needs also treatment and proper care if not it can causes wrinkles,pimples and other  allergies.

Oily Skin

When special glands produce excess oil or excess activity occurs, the the skin becomes oily. Oily skin is due to excess oil in the skin. If oily skin is your problem then avoid oil for 1 day. Take leafy
vegetables and juicy fruits.
Due to oily skin lot of blackheads occur on nose and even blemishes occur on the chin.

Treatment - clean oily skin always with special medical soap or lotion. After bath or before going to
sleep clean face with the help of astringent. Wash oily face with luke warm water many times a day.

Dry Skin

 Dry skin is generally a rough skin. Dry skin is due to diet problems and less sunshine. Take more and more of vitamin D like milk. Dry skin looks light when we wash it. It does look smooth and sometimes white patches also appear.

Wrinkles also occur at the age of 25 years.

 Treatment – we should use moisturizer for dry skin. We should clean it with rich milk and cream. Use more of cold cream.

Normal Skin

Normal skin becomes smooth and soft after washing. Normal skin is a healthy skin. Normal skin is the most beautiful skin.

Treatment- clean it with light lotion, cosmetic soap. Use mild lotion or skin moisturiser with light lotion. Massage it with less Greece cream.

Combination Skin

Combination skin is a combination of oily and dry skin.

Treatment- use oily treatment where oil is found and dry treatment where the skin is dry. It is mostly
sensitive skin.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Param Saini
TreTans, Thursday, June 20, 2013

3 Secrets to Glowing Skin


Hello friends I am going to tell you a  home made remedy Howto Get Beautiful Glowing Skin. These Steps will help to add a glowing effect on your face. You just have to follow these steps  no need to buy any products to get glowing skin just these 3 steps will help you to recover your lost glow. So keep in mind to do these steps daily to get a healthy and soft skin and pimples free .

·         Lemon is very good for our skin. For dry soft skin, we can use homemade cleansing lotion. For this take 1 big tsp lemon juice and mix 5 tsp rose water in it. Apply it on face and rinse after 5-10 minutes.

·         For tanned skin, use white portion of 1 egg and mix 2 tsp lemon juice. Apply layer of it and when it gets dry, clean it with warm water.

·         If your elbows are dirty, tie neem leaves on can aplly this on hand also.


1.  You look more young

        2.   Avoids wrinkles

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Param Saini
TreTans, Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Deep cleansing facial step by step

deep cleansing facial
We are living in an environment where there is lots of pollution and while travelling we get tanning and even sun burs and other skin problems  . To protect our-self from dust and other harmful rays we use SPF 15 or any other cosmetics. But after 1 week we  require Deep Cleansing of the skin as the dirt that stuck in the pores of the skin is not removed by any cosmetics for that Deep Cleansing of Skin is required. Here are the steps that you should follow.


  • Due to heavy work we are burdened. In the meantime we want to look upto date and beautiful,it is not at all difficult. So I have some beauty tips. Firstly, tie a head band which will help us to save our hair from products to be used. For dry skin use cream and for oily skin use cleansing milk or skin lotion. Apply it on face and do light massage and then clean it with wet cotton.

  • After that use scrub on your face. There are many types of scrubs available in the market. You can also use almond, besan on skin. If we use facial scrub for deep cleansing, we can remove blackheads for oily skin. If there are some spots on face, don’t use scrub.

  • Massage- for massage on neck apply strocks from below chin. After massage clean your face with wet towel or cotton. After that apply face mask.

  • 2tsp grinded almond, ½ tsp  rose water, ½ tsp curd, ½ tsp honey –mix them all.this face pack is good for all skin types but don’t apply it on oily skin. This is a home remedy which can make your skin look glowy.

Param Saini
TreTans, Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to do nail art step by step

Can you make a nail art design with a toothpick ? Yes it is possible . Just follow the below steps and you can make any type of design by going through this segment. I will teach you how to make a good nail art design , even a beginner can also try. Rest depends upon your color combinations and styles.



1. Nail paint remover
2. Nail paints -2 or 3
3. Toothpick

4. Top coat


  • Clean your nail with a nail remover first.
  • Choose your nail paint shades of which you want to apply on your nails.
  • Like I chose green with a combination of red. You can also take combination of red and white.
  • Apply green shade on the nails and let it dry for 2-3 minutes.
  • Take a toothpick and dip it in red nail paint. You can even use fabric colors for designing purpose.
  • Make a flower with toothpick or any design you wish to.
  • Let it dry for 3-4 minutes.
  • Apply a top coat and let it dry.
  • In case of a mistake in designing remove it with nail remover.
  • You can also make a design with pen and then apply nail paint on it.
  • Nail art is ready.
how to do nail art with a toothpick

nail art design

nail design step by step

Param Saini
TreTans, Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to remove makeup without makeup remover

Deep Cleansing and Make Up remover
I am going to tell you easiest way to remove MAKEUP. You will not get any strain of makeup and you also don't require to buy any external makeup remover.We use lipstick ,oil, perfume, talc ,cream etc. to make our face beautiful but glow on our face and bright eyes makes us more beautiful. Ladies which are engaged in their routine activities should keep cotton balls dipped in rose water for 20-25 minutes on their face and eyes. If your face is dry or rough kindly take care of your diet.


Dip cotton balls in mustard oil or oily cream and keep it on eyes. After sometime remove mascara and eyeliner and massage it with cream. Clean face with wet cotton. Mix water with toner and spray it on face and clean face with tissue. You wil get a refreshing face.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Param Saini
TreTans, Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to do threading of eyebrows at Home

Beauty is god-gifted.There is not even a single person in this world who is not influenced by beauty. Beauty is very precious and artificial beauty proves to be fake. If our health is good,our body will glow naturally i.e real beauty lies in good health

Things needed

  1.   Coats 30 or 40 thread
  2.   Plucker
  3.   Small scissor
  4.   Talc
  5.   Eyebrow pencil


Take approx  1 feet of thread and hold it with mouth. On the other side roll it on hand and make 3-4 inches loop with your hand and expand it with both hands and stretch it from one side and close the loop. Keep the loop close to face from where the hair is to be plucked and close the loop.
Threading should be done on dry skin. Talc can be applied before removing hair which makes the hair more visible to be removed as well as keeps  the skin dry. Water or cream should not be applied.


 Eyebrow shape not only makes  our eyes beautiful but also our face too. Broad and thick eyebrow suits on long face and thin eyebrow suits on small or round face. Natural shape of eyebrow cannot be changed. For making the shape it should be kept in mind that shape should be made from below and from upper side less hair should be touched. Eyebrow shape can be measured with a pencil. Keep pencil straight in the direction of a nose and make shape of eyebrow. Keep your pencil on the end of eye in such a way that it touches your nose. End the eyebrow. With the help of scissor cut extra hair from starting uuper side. Pluck extra hair if any from below. Use eyebrow pencil if needed . Eyebrow is ready.

Monday 17 June 2013

Param Saini
TreTans, Monday, June 17, 2013


Fashion is a popular style especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup , body piercing or furniture.
So we have to keep updated with the latest trends. Here I am going to tell 10 Simple Summer 2013 Fashion Trends that you should follow in day to day life.

“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn” .



To get the full look, rock the checkered dress with a high heel.<br />

Sliced vertical or horizontal stripes are in trend this summer. Horizontal stripes makes you look wide whereas vertical stripes makes you look long.Your choice!

The bigger the ruffles,better it is.Frills look best on skirts or cocktails.So get a few to look stunning.

4) 90's REVIVAL
Get all your loving logos on your tops and labels on pants.Tie dyed separates and cropped blouses will make you look different.

If you are working on your fitness,go for cropped tops with a high waist jean.

Lighter weights,brighter colors and skin baring cutouts are indeed in trend.To wear this well,go for sliced leather looks or strapless tops.

7) Bold Florals
Flowers in this spring skews obvious. Mix and match for full on floral.

8) Gladiator Heels
Gladiator heels are back. Most versions lave up to your ankles whereas some go high up-to thigh. Get your fingers poised and buckle up your sandles with a short hem .

9) Global Prints
Like Floral , the more prints the better.Rock on a full printed dress or match a printed top with a skirt.

10) White Shoes
White heels and add a grace to patterned or colorful look.