Saturday 22 June 2013

Different Types of Skin and its Treatment

By on Saturday, June 22, 2013


Skin is basically of four types Oily Skin, Dry Skin,  Normal Skin and Combination Skin. Every Skin has its own advantage and disadvantage.  Skin differ from person to person. If you belong to same family it doesn't mean you will have same type of skin. Skin needs also treatment and proper care if not it can causes wrinkles,pimples and other  allergies.

Oily Skin

When special glands produce excess oil or excess activity occurs, the the skin becomes oily. Oily skin is due to excess oil in the skin. If oily skin is your problem then avoid oil for 1 day. Take leafy
vegetables and juicy fruits.
Due to oily skin lot of blackheads occur on nose and even blemishes occur on the chin.

Treatment - clean oily skin always with special medical soap or lotion. After bath or before going to
sleep clean face with the help of astringent. Wash oily face with luke warm water many times a day.

Dry Skin

 Dry skin is generally a rough skin. Dry skin is due to diet problems and less sunshine. Take more and more of vitamin D like milk. Dry skin looks light when we wash it. It does look smooth and sometimes white patches also appear.

Wrinkles also occur at the age of 25 years.

 Treatment – we should use moisturizer for dry skin. We should clean it with rich milk and cream. Use more of cold cream.

Normal Skin

Normal skin becomes smooth and soft after washing. Normal skin is a healthy skin. Normal skin is the most beautiful skin.

Treatment- clean it with light lotion, cosmetic soap. Use mild lotion or skin moisturiser with light lotion. Massage it with less Greece cream.

Combination Skin

Combination skin is a combination of oily and dry skin.

Treatment- use oily treatment where oil is found and dry treatment where the skin is dry. It is mostly
sensitive skin.

Param Saini

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