Friday 14 June 2013

How To Lose Weight fast

By on Friday, June 14, 2013

When you see yourself in the mirror , you feel that what the hell happened to body why its swollen ? or think what is going on ?. Don't worry its just the FAT, but you have to worry if that exceed a certain limit then you might be in trouble .. But I am here you just have to follow certain steps daily and you will  find  improvement definitely.

You will find certain people saying this  join course to loose weight, there is no need of that when you can do it manually. These are 5 simple steps just follow for 1 month.

1. Water
 The more the water you drink the more the skin will glow the more the weight you loose.
Drink in summers at least 10-12 liters of water.
Don't add any sweeteners for your taste. If you put sweeteners you might  get taste but will get more weight then your taste

2. Walk
 I know everybody is busy today. Its 21st century , nobody have time , but you have at least take 1 hour of your busy schedule and walk in the morning. This walk will remove your side fats and  fats on your thighs . So if wake up late in the morning then go for a walk at night.

3. Eating Schedule 
 In the morning eat as a King  , in the afternoon eat as a middle man , in the night eat as a beggar,. Follow these 3 steps if you want to shape up your body. No need to do cardio exercises in gym if your eating schedule is not right. 60% fat comes  through improper eating schedule.

4. Sugar
Everybody like Sugar people can eat as much as they can, but you what they are doing inside your body  these are causing fatty acids in your body, Ice creams, brownies have sugar quantity. I am not saying don't eat but if you set your 4. eating schedule.

5. Salads and Olive Oil
If you don't want to eat food at night then eat at least salads as you are skipping 1 time meal to lose weight but it might make you immunity system weak so for that eat salad.
Olive Oil is good to have as it sends messages to the brain that your tummy is full.

If you find this article worthy or you loose some weight and want to loose more than feel free to contact us and do comment.

Param Saini

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