Monday 17 June 2013

Must have Android apps 2013

By on Monday, June 17, 2013

Top android apps that must be there on every android phone. It is must to have apps for android , if you don't have apps then what's the use of Android go for any other Phone. The 10 Android apps that i am going to tell you will generally boost your Phone. There are more than 7 lakh apps in the android market and I am going to tell you only 10 that is compulsory for your Android Mobile .

Top 10 Free Android Apps For Mobile 2013

1. Get an antivirus
Antivirus is very much required as you are connected to Internet all the time , there is a need of antivirus to make it spam, virus , bugs and Trojan free. Go for avast antivirus its an free app. Download from the Android Market.

2.  Auto Memory Manager
It is one of the best feature from the Android Developers that they are providing such a good apps. Like  your computer needs a boost by means of upgrading  your mobile also like a boost  to upgrade . This app will provide you detailed Memory information and will boost your performance. Must for middle and low budget Android Phones.

3.  WordPress For Android
Yes you don't  have to carry PC or laptop when you are out. If you are a blogger than you can user mobile as your Laptop. It is packed with full feature. It provides full integration and management of your Blog. Best for those who are  Blogger addict

4, BBC News
The Best news channel , be connect to BBC by downloading BBC News app and get updated daily. Designed in such a way you  can find every news any time and  do download the latest version .

5. History Eraser Pro
Another Good application by Android . This tool helps in erasing you history. Everybody have their own private history nobody wants to go in that space, So its better to install this app and keep erasing your history so that nobody can read it.

6. Fruit Ninja
You should download at least 1 fun game so that you can enjoy during your free time. Fruit Ninja is a good game.In this game you have to cut every fruit that go in the air. This game is of this game is short you don't have to worry about it. Just click and Enjoy.

7. True Caller
When somebody calls you it will tell you his name on the screen even you havn't saved that contact number any number who calls you you will get to know his/her name , so you can  accept or decline according too your convenience. Great app and its free to download.

8. We chat
Another top downloaded app from Android Market . Like a walkies-talkies in your childhood this apps work like that it will record your message and will send to another person. Based on single line Transmission. You can chat , share photos you can call for free what else you want from Android .You don't need any amount in your SIM . Android will do it for you.

9. Opera Mini 7
Best browser for your Mobile . Compatible with even low budget android phones great performance , nice Graphical user interface . Easy to download and easy to manage and open Tabs. Must have app.

10. Google Keyboard
If you have problems with your current keyboard then you must download Google Keyboard. It will provide you better performance . Its certain features are Voice Typing , Word Recognition , Word Suggestion. It has
great accuracy and you can type faster.

Param Saini

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