Wednesday 12 June 2013

Tips to improve your Android Phone or Tablet performance for Free

By on Wednesday, June 12, 2013


When you buy a new Android Phone it will run smoothly but after some time you will see your phone will start hanging and your internal memory will be filled with unwanted apps that returns in low memory and low memory for low performance.

So here are some tips that will increase your performance by 70% percent. Rest Depend upon on you how you manage and maintain your Android Phone.

1. Get Detail Study Of Mobile
Before buying a new mobile  check it completely. Don't  go for the  looks , Check the battery how much is the mAh . If you are planning to buy a Dual SIM Phone it should be above 3000 mAh if single SIM then 2000 mAh +.

2. Internal Memory
If your internal mobile is less than 500 MB than don't buy it . Because there are some apps that will run only in phone memory . Though i will be writing an article soon about how to use memory card memory as phone memory . 

3. Keep updating
If your android needs an update then do it . Android updation results in higher performance and new features with less storage burden on phone memory.

4. Unwanted Apps
60% Android have  issues like  low battery ,  phone lags while doing multiple processes. Installing of unwanted apps makes your android work more  which inturn makes your phone deteriorate. So dont use bulky apps that run on the background or apps that you don't use but you installed on your android device. Delete them all.

5. Android ICS
Android ICS have a new feature that will disable all unwanted apps . Check out for "performance assistance"  in your android device.

6.  Choose the right memory card.
People who buy cheap memory cards feel satisfied that they bought it 200  bugs less or 300 bugs less , but they dont know they are being cheated . As those memory card of poor quality . These memory card make your Android Device performance low . So if you want to buy a high quality memory card check their  specification like class 6 or class 10 . Class 6 + memory will boost up your system.

7. Keep Fewer Widgets
Using unnecessary widgets leads to poor performance of  your android device. So use only those widgets that you require delete the other widgets.

8. Excessive Use of Live Wallpapers
Using Live wallpapers might look good for your standard and show-off, but in reality these live wallpapers are draining your Android Device as they are making the CPU to work more , run more cycles per second resulting in poor performance in processes and it keeps  deteriorating per day.

9. Stop the Animations
If you are using a  medium   budget android phone and running on animations and you think its cool . its totally making your  phone hardware to poor performance , it effects the phone memory and CPU.

10. Games
If you a Game freak then i prefer to but phone with this configuration
Ram -more than 1 Gb
CPU- atleast 1.5 GB dual core
Internal Memory - 2GB
Battery - 2500+ mAh . though it will last for 1 day only

So friends this is it. I will be writing soon about the how to  make your memory card as phone memory .  Keep visiting and do commenting.
If you are having touch issues with your android phone click here How to Fix touch issues of Sony Mobiles

Param Saini

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