Friday 14 June 2013

How to make Website

By on Friday, June 14, 2013

Friends If you have talent and want to show it to everyone then the best method is make a website promote yourself .

Things to remember while making a website.

1. Idea- You should have vast knowledge about that field and should have lots of ideas. You might be good in fashion you can start on it , you should Google around various platforms on which you have interest and can make a great website.

2, Good Design- Make a user friendly design of your website , so that any  new user find it easy to get the required information from your website. Good design is basic key to attract visitors.

3. Check Coding, linking- Make sure that all the links are working perfectly and check if there is any coding error , if there then get it corrected. Website should have all the advanced features.

4. If you don't have any Designing or programming Skills
Don't worry , then you can make website in WordPress, Joomla , Magneto , Drupal. through FTP or C Panel. You just have to make posts and get all design ready through theme and features through plugins available .

5. Get it Optimized
Even if you have succeeded in making a website still you will lack behind because of SEO . 40% of website depends upon SEO..

6. Publish through Channels like YouTube.

And if you are new , don't loose heart keep practicing 

Param Saini

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